How to Trust God in Tough Times

                                      Photo by KEEM IBARRA on Unsplash

How to trust God in Tough Times 

As many of you have heard, or read, “We are living in unprecedented times!”  With the threat of CoronaVirus, COVID-19, we find ourselves trying to make sense of it all.  Some of us may be tempted to panic and react in irrational ways.   In these moments we need to remember how to trust God in tough times. 

For me, during difficult moments of life, my faith in Christ becomes the firm foundation on which I stand.  I strive to practice the following… 

When tough times cause me to doubt, that’s when I need to believe! 

The enemy of our souls would have nothing better to do than to cause followers of Jesus to doubt their faith and trust in God in difficult moments.  It’s easy to do, to be consumed with our problems and the trying circumstances around us.  But that is when we need to remember who we believe in, why we believe and have resolve to keep believing no matter what. 

Psalm 27:13-14 states, “I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! (ESV)” 

The psalmist had an unshakeable faith in his God.  His belief was the underlying current or foundation of all he did.  He was trusting in God’s faithfulness, in God’s fortitude and God’s ability to sustain him and bring blessing!   Doubt would not triumph over his belief! 

When tough times cause me to fear, that’s when I need to rely on God’s strength! 

Fear has a way to rob people of their strength and energy.  When trouble abounds it is easy to allow all the bad stuff to cause us to be afraid, fearful, frightened… which can lead to worry, fretting, and panic.  But in those moments, I must remember and rely on God’s strength. 

David in Psalm 56:3 said, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” The context of this verse, is when David fled and was seized by the Philistines in Gath.   Eugene Peterson in the Message describes David’s plight this way, 

“Take my side, God—I’m getting kicked around, stomped on every day. Not a day goes by but somebody beats me up; They make it their duty to beat me up. When I get really afraid I come to you in trust. I’m proud to praise God; fearless now, I trust in God. What can mere mortals do?” (v1-3, MSG) 

David was not having a pleasant time, he was having a difficult time, getting beat up, suffering physical abuse. Yet he does not let fear take over or control him, he cries out to God whom he trusts and becomes fearless! 

When tough times cause me to suffer, that’s when I need to give thanks and rejoice 

Suffering in one way or another can cause one to lose hope and really be ushered in and placed on the doorstep of despair and discouragement.  It’s in those moments that we need to give thanks and rejoice.  I marvel at the testimony of the apostle Paul when he and Silas are able, after being beaten for their faith and witness in Christ, are chained in a prison cell and they are singing hymns and praises to God (See Acts 16:16-40, esp. v.25) That is rejoicing in the midst of suffering! 

We are instructed in scripture, “To give thanks in everything” (I Thess. 5:18), this is God’s will for you and for me.  He desire us to respond, as James has recorded in James 1:2, “To count it all joy when we face various trials of many kinds…”  This is very hard to do.  For me, I pray and ask the Lord to help me be joyful even in the most stressful times, to let Him take my sufferings and let me praise and rejoice in Him while I’m going through it.   I haven’t always been successful, but when I am… there is a sense of confidence and complete victory. 

When tough times cause me to focus on the “wrong things” that is when I need to “fix my eye on Jesus!” 

The writer of the Hebrews, in Hebrews 12:1-3 (NIV) states that as followers of Jesus we are to “fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of the faith(v.2)… Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.(v.3 )”  What an example to follow!  When I look at Jesus, see and understand what He went through on my behalf, when I meditate on that, I am strengthened, encouraged, helped and filled with hope.   The Holy Spirit resides in every follower of Jesus Christ and gives them hope.  Faith in Jesus Christ gives you and me hope.  Hope, because I’m looking at the right things and not the wrong things.  As the psalmist says, “Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your ways.” (Psalm 119:37 ESV) 

I need to remember what the Lord has done for me, especially when I am tempted to look and follow worthless things!  He took upon himself all my sin so I could stand before God as one who is righteous (See 2 Cor. 5:21).  He saved me and redeemed me through His death on the cross and His resurrection.  When I think of Jesus, His Spirit helps me keep my eyes on Him. 

In the tough times we can trust God because of His promises in His Word 

One of God’s precious promises is knowing that He is always with us (See Psalm 139 and Matthew 28:20).  God knows when we sit, when we stand.  He knows everything about us.  He also knows that we can’t escape His presence.  He is everywhere.  Theologians call this “omnipresence.”  Isaiah 43:2 states, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”   This is great assurance for every follower of the Lord Jesus, that they can know that God is with them in every situation that they face.  He is with me right now.  He is with you right now.  Doesn’t this make your heart want to trust Him through the tough times?   It does mine! 

How about you?  How does your faith in Christ help you to trust Him in tough times?  Are you needing to trust Him now?  Do you need Him to give you faith, strength, joy and the ability to see Him?  To rely on His promises?  Why not ask Him in prayer? 

I would love to hear how you trust God in tough times.  Drop me an email or comment.  I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you. 

Growing together, 


2 Timothy 1:7