The Most Important Book You'll Ever Read!

Written by By Ted O'Farrell Photo by Samantha Sophia on Unsplash 

The Most Important  Book You’ll Ever Read 

There are many excellent books that are worth your time in reading.  I’ve made a list of some of my favorite books to date and you can check them out here My Top Ten List Of Favorite Books To Read

But I would have to say the most important book I’ve ever read and one I keep reading over and over, is the Bible. 

Here’s why I think reading the Bible is so essential: 

Because it is “God-Breathed” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 

  “God-Breathed” is one of those terms that means God has inspired the Bible through human writers. (See 2 Peter 1:21) 

I believe it also means God illumines the minds of the writers and readers.  As you and I spend time in God’s Word, reading, letting the word “speak” to us, asking the questions, “who, what, where, when, why” and “how that applies to me?”  I believe God will give insight to you and me from His eternal truth. 

“God Breathed” also means God instructs His readers how to live for Him through His written Word. The Bible tells us what pleases God and what displeases Him. 

Because it is “Useful.” 

Scripture tells us the Word is useful in four ways: 

The Bible is useful for teaching. 

God’s Word really instructs us how to live and get along with others.  How to think properly, how to be productive, how to be wise, how to be a good manager, etc.  The list could go on and on, because it is an inexhaustible resource for teaching. 

The Bible is useful for rebuking. 

I can discover when I read, how I am doing in my relationships with others and with God.  The Bible is clear when I think I’m doing something right and then “boom” - God shows me a verse that is a gentle “rebuke,” to wake me up, and steer me in the right direction.  At that moment I have a choice, do I listen and repent or do I stubbornly refuse and continue in my own way?  May we be like the psalmist who cried,“Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath” (Psalm 38:1). 

The Bible is useful for correcting. 

After I hear from God, especially his gentle rebuke, I can turn from my sin and confess, and be forgiven (1John 1:9) and His Word will help me and correct me.  So, the next time, when I’m facing temptation,  I should be a little more wiser, as the Bible reminds me of God’s truth and keeps me from falling. Psalm 119:11 says, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” 

The Bible is useful for training. 

I remember practicing with the cross-country team in college.  My room-mate was on the team and just for fun, I would practice with them.  My goal was to get in shape and I thought this would be a good way to do it.  However, I quickly realized that I needed to make a commitment to run and practice every day, in order to reach my goals.  I also realized that I was not as good as the other runners because I had not been training.  I needed the coach and other team mates help for guidance and proper training.  Their encouragement helped me stay at it, improve over time and run more efficiently.   It’s the same with the Word.  We need the Holy Spirit as our Coach, our Pastors and fellow believers as our team mates to help encourage us to keep at it.  Knowing this will help us grow in our faith and walk with God. 

Because it will change your life! 

In John’s Gospel, chapter 1, the “Word” is from the greek “logos”.  Theologians and commentaries tell us this refers to Jesus Christ as the living Word!  Verse 12 states, that as many as receive Him, He gives them the right to be called children of God!  Wow! This is life transformation!  By believing in Jesus Christ by faith, I become a child of God.  Great news from a great God recorded in His great book, the Bible. (See John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10) 

I also encourage you to try to do the following when reading God’s Word, the Bible. 

Read it with an open heart and mind.  Dare to ask God in prayer to help you as you read it. Memorize verses, journal scripture, and let God’s word saturate your thinking. 

There are many benefits of reading God’s Word - you’ll be “thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)  The Bible will prepare you for life and living it to the full (John 10:10). 

I hope you will discover how valuable and important this book is.  If you have questions are would like to share with me how you read the Bible or other “good reads,” I would be happy to hear from you! 

Growing together, 


2 Timothy 1:7