5 Ways To Honor Your Mother!

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

5 Ways to Honor your Mother 

I remember growing up and discovering that at least once a year, families (especially kids) were to honor their Mothers - on Mother’s Day! 

According to history.com, “The American incarnation of Mother’s Day was created by Anna Jarvis in 1908 and became an official U.S. holiday in 1914.”  The article informs us that honoring Mothers goes back to the Ancient Greeks.  Today, many families take mom out so mom doesn’t have to cook or by giving a card, candy or flowers. 

Let’s get creative and think about how you could honor your Mother?  Here are five ways to consider: 

It’s never too late to listen 

I remember growing up as a child, how I loved hearing my mother’s voice.  Her voice was reassuring, calming, always loving toward me.  My mother taught me so many things I value today.  If only I had listened more to her words of wisdom, how much better off I would be! 

As the writer of Proverbs states, “My child, listen carefully to everything I say.”(Proverbs 4:20, CEV

No matter what age we may be, if our mother is still living, one should make the most of every opportunity to listen and “soak in” her conversations. 

It’s never too late to obey 

“Children, you belong to the Lord, and you do the right thing when you obey your parents. The first commandment with a promise says, 2 “Obey your father and your mother, 3 and you will have a long and happy life.” (Ephesians 6:1-3, CEV

I’m sure you have heard of those verses before.  Yet the promise is true when one obeys their parents their life will be full of happiness and blessed with longevity.  One way to honor your mother is to obey her instructions.  God has place her over you as a parent and it is wise to obey. 

Even now, adult children can obey their mother by listening and receiving “mom’s advice” lovingly.   Showing respect even when you disagree with your parents can keep away unwanted tension and conflict. 

It’s never too late to do something nice for her that is unexpected 

Your mother may or may not like surprises, but if you do something unexpected for her, she will love you for it! 

I remember when as a teenager I would surprise my mom by cleaning the living room (and my room)!  Yes, it was far and in-between, but when I did - she was so pleased.  It was almost better than giving her chocolates! 

Do something nice for your mother, especially when she leasts expects it - You will receive a blessing as she is being honored!   As Luke 6:31states, “Treat others just as you want to be treated.” (CEV). 

It’s never too late to tell her what she means to you 

This is extremely important!  Have you heard “life is short?” Well, it is.  When my mother passed away - I wish I had more days, more hours, more time to tell her what she meant for me.  I told her often, and I believe she knew deep down how I felt about her, but I wish I had more… 

If your mother is still living, take the time right now and call her or write or text - but take the time right now to tell her how much you love her and are thankful that she is your mother! Don’t make excuses, do it. 

Memories will flood your mind as you think about the times you cherished with your mother.  Give thanks to God for them.  This is good and God will bless you for doing so. 

It’s never too late to spend time with her 

One of the most wonderful gifts you can give to your parents, especially moms’ - is to spend time with them.  If your mother is still living, spend time with her.  This will mean more to her than a box of chocolate.  Nothing can replace spending time with one another.   Sometimes it is just good to be together. 

One of the hardest things for my mother was to let me grow up.  She didn’t want me to leave home.  Yet, she allowed me the grace to do so.  But I always loved coming home to be with her.  I can still hear her laugh and in my mind, see her smile.  She had a sense of joy and peace that would permeate the house. 

Enjoy the time you have with your mother.  When you do, you will be a blessing and she will feel honored.  If your mother has passed on, take a moment and give a prayer of thanks for her life and influence.  Thank God for giving you a wonderful mother. 

Exodus 20:12 states, “12 “Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you.(NLT)” 

These are five ways that you can show honor to your mother.  Why not pick one and try it? You will please God and honoring your mother! This is a “win-win!” 

Let me know ways you have or are honoring your mother.  I would love to hear from you. Please post your comments below or email me.  I’m looking forward to hearing from you. 

Growing together, 


2 Timothy 1:7