3 Ways I Can Love My Neighbor!

Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash 

3 Ways I can “love my neighbor!” 

In recent days there have been cries of pain, anger, hatred, resentment, tears, malice, slander, acts of violence, and protests in various forms.   Christians are those who believe and follow Jesus Christ, they are called to be like Jesus. 

Especially in times of turmoil, our love for the Lord needs to be reflected in our speech, conduct, thoughts and actions as a testimony of God’s love.  Jesus loved his neighbor.  Jesus did not show any racial prejudice.   He knew what it was like to be despised and rejected, but he always responded in love and mercy.  Even to the religious hypocrites of His time, the Pharisee’s and Sadducee’s - Jesus spoke the truth and challenged them to see the error of their ways.   By looking at Jesus, we can learn at least three ways to show love to our neighbors. 

Speak the Truth in Love 

Jesus spoke the truth, but He always did it with an attitude of love.  In Matthew 5:43-45, Jesus said these words, 

“43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” (NKJV) 

Jesus lays before his listeners that people need to love their enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you! 

What would your world look like if people around you did this?  What would your world look like if you did this? 

A soft or kind word can turn away wrath. (See Prov. 15:1)  Jesus wanted his followers to show love by blessing others, doing good to others, and praying for others, especially those who express hatred toward you! 

Show love by blessing others! 

Turn on the news and one can hear stories of hatred being spread throughout our country.  What would it look like, if instead of spewing hatred, anger, slander, and violence, people spewed out “blessings!” 

The dictionary defines “blessing” as “the act or words of a person who blesses, a special favor, mercy, or benefit, a favor or gift bestowed by God, the invoking of God’s favor upon a person, praise; devotion; worship, approval or good wishes.” (https://www.Dictionary.com/browse/blessing?s=t) 

By blessing others through my speech, showing favor or praise to others — these acts would express love for others and elevate respect and dignity for humanity. 

Show love by doing good to others! 

I remember a few years ago, many people were encouraging people to practice “random acts of kindness.”  This is when you would, for example, pay for a stranger’s meal or groceries without them knowing it.  Sometimes they would know it, but it wasn’t for personal recognition.  The act of kindness was an act of doing good to others!  Helping them by providing for their needs without being asked or required.  You saw a need and acted on it. 

Jesus did this!  He saw the need of your heart and my heart.  Our heart-condition was infected with sin and Jesus gave His life so that those who believe in Him would be made righteous, clean, free from sin.   He did this so we could know how much he loves us.   His death and resurrection is God’s ultimate act of kindness. 

We show love for others by doing good deeds for them, especially those who hate us. 

Show love by praying for others! 

Jesus encourages his followers to pray for those who persecute them!  We are to pray specifically and intentionally for our enemies.  How?  By asking God to convict of sin, change and cleanse their hearts, renew their minds.  We can pray and ask God to silence their anger, turn their hatred, and deliver us from their attacks.  We can pray that God will show his love to them through us! 

This is hard to do, if not impossible.  The only way is to rely on the Holy Spirit, to help us love others the way Jesus does.   Jesus even prayed as he was being crucified, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do!”(See Luke 23:34)  One way I show love is by praying for my enemies, asking God to forgive them, asking God to help me forgive them. 

In the light of recent events, as I search my heart, I need to show Christ’s love more.  I need to bless others, do good to them, and pray for them.  Those who appear to be my enemy, I need God to flow through me and reflect His love to them. 

How about you?  How have you shown love to others? I would like to hear your stories.  Please comment or email me.  May we all strive to not only live at peace with each other but may we love one another as Christ loves us. 

Growing together, 


 2 Timothy 1:7