Rejoicing in the "little things!"

I just found out that the “first round” of physical CD’s on CDBaby has been sold out!!!  (No It hasn’t reached “gold” or “platinum” status… but we can “dream” can’t we?) 
You can still digitally download the album on 
CDBaby at or Itunes or Amazon.  You can even listen to it on Spotify…. 
I’m rejoicing in the “little things..”  THANK YOU to all who have bought a CD and/or downloaded the CD!!!  One friend even hinted that I could retire! Ha!!! However… that is far, far, far from the truth ( I like their faith!!!)  My desire is to honor Christ through these songs so that His TRUTH can minister to others… so again, thank you and if you or your friends would like a physical copy CD of “As We Trust” – you can order them through my website,  Just click on “Store” and go to Physical Albums and place and pay for your order… - there is free shipping…  So “thank you” again…. Rejoicing in the “little things!” …. 
Phil. 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord, again, I say “Rejoice!” 

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