Have you noticed the "headlines" lately?

5 Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.  Ephesians 5:5 

Have you noticed the “headlines” lately?  There is so much tension and strife, accusations and name calling… some are accused of being “fake” while others are “angry” or “frustrated” with what is going on… how we need the Savior!  How we need to experience God’s love!  How we need to experience victory in our daily lives!  The only one who can meet our need – yes, it is true – is Jesus.   The apostle Paul wrote that to the Ephesian believers by answering the question, “who is it that overcomes the world?” The answer?  “the one who believes that Jesus is the Song of God” (Eph. 5:5).  Paul was not promising instant success or victory, but was point the way to the One who has already won the victory – Jesus Christ! The apostle was so convinced of this, he even wrote to the Corinthians about this victory, exclaiming “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Cor. 15:57).  Jesus defeated death.  Jesus defeated Hell.  Jesus rose again.  Jesus offers “new life” to all who believe in Him.  Jesus gives His strength to His followers to not only endure the tension and strife, but to overcome.  Are you experiencing His victory?  Accept the challenge for today – and give Jesus all your cares and concerns (I Peter 5:7) and let Him bring you through the battle victoriously! 

Blessings and prayers, 


I Peter 5:7

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