Merry Christmas!!

One of the Christmas carols lyrics state, "'Tis the season to be jolly!"    Sometimes during the holidays we get so busy that we end up frustrated, exhausted, tired and more like the grinch because of all the shopping and hectic pace of life.   But  the good news is that God loved you and me so much that He gave His one and only Son, while we were still lost in sin, to reconcile us to God!  If we believe in Him, trust Him - God gives eternal life, forgiveness of sins, and we become children of God!  Now that is a great present to receive and get!  (See John 3:16, John 1:12, I John 1:9-10; Romans 8:1)   I trust that you fall deeper in love with Jesus Christ and discover more about God in His Word, the Bible!  We have so much to be thankful for in 2017!

Thank you for visiting my website, for being a fan, for listening to my music and all your prayers, thoughts and encouragement has been a blessing!   So as an expression of my thanks to you - I hope you will download my free Christmas original instrumental on acoustic guitar, "7 Days Before Christmas!"  It's my gift to you, for giving me a listen!  Thank you!   I trust you will have a very Merry Christmas filled with the greatest gift of all, Jesus!

Blessings and Prayers,


Psalm 150

(You can get the free song by visiting "The Store") 

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