Where in the world have I been? PART 2?

It’s March 2020!  All of 2019 disappeared, in a flash, and I did not post or work on keeping people informed on the latest and greatest happenings… I’m so sorry, forgive me, but here’s the latest if you’re interested and brave to read on. 

January 2019, I underwent surgery for cancer, and PRAISE THE LORD! I have been cancer-free, since then.  My health has returned, almost normal… (people question if I am normal- Ha, Ha!) Anyway, the Lord has been so good to me.  He is faithful.  He is the Healer.  You can trust him with your life, with your all.  He will see you through the storms of life.  He will be with you through every and any challenge that you may face.  All you have to do is trust Him!  That sounds so simple… but you must let go, and trust.  Proverbs 3:5-6 states, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your steps.”   So, in 2019, I have been learning again to lean not on “me” but to “lean on Jesus.”     

Secondly, the ministry that I am involved with faced some changes and challenges and counted on me with the Lord’s leading to take on a greater role.  God again is faithful, showing Himself to be the all-sufficient one.   If this sounds strange to you, it maybe because, the more you follow Jesus Christ, the deeper He calls you to go.  God wants a relationship with you, by placing your faith in Jesus, learning to trust and daily walk with Him.  If you would like to know more, just send me a message.  I’ll respond – promise.  

Thirdly, I’m back and I will be doing some updates on this website, I'm written new music, and instrumental guitar arrangements, so stay tuned.  Thanks for all the prayers and patience.   Keep ‘em coming.  God is not finished with us yet… to Him be all the glory. 



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