Get my new Book, "The Secret of Gaining Wisdom...Ask God For It!"

Are you looking forward to the New Year?  Why not start off on the right foot by asking God to help you get "wisdom!"

"The Secret of Gaining Wisdom" has just been published and is available through  Also, you can now get this on Amazon and Barnes & Noble! This is a book that was birthed from weekly prayer and Bible studies from the book of Proverbs.  Each chapter of Proverbs is written in a prayer to God.   There are special insights given to each chapter with an attached memory verse.   One person in our church stated, "Pastor, these are so good, I would rather pray these prayers instead of trying to make up my own!"   Although my desire is that those who read this book will be inspired to write and pray original prayers to God.  God does hear our prayers and He does answer prayer!   

If you would like more information, just write me an email and I'll respond as soon as possible.  

Blessings, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

In Christ,


Luke 2:9-11

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